Preparing for the Newbury Show...
Faster Lente Llamas is off to the Newbury Show in September of this year. This will be the first time we have taken our llamas to a llama show and it is very exciting indeed.
There are a number of things we need to achieve prior to arriving at the Show,
We need to be able to halter and walk our llamas on to the llama lorry.
We need to get them used to being around strangers who may wish to stare at them and touch them.
We need to ensure they look their best so that the judges will award rosettes to them.
Now all of this is going to take a little training, more than we have done so far. Therefore, Maddie and I will begin our photo diary of preparing the llamas to attend the shows,
Revisit our blog to see the updates as they happen...... :-)